macaco-de-cheiro (espécie amazônica)South American squirrel monkey (Amazon species) (Saimiri sciureus)
Praia de Saquarema, desde a igrejinhaSaquarema Beach, from the little church
caliandra (Calliandra brevipes)
hibisco-crespo, nativa da ÁfricaCoral Hibiscus, native from Africa (Hibiscus schizopetalus)
mulunguPink Coral Tree (Erythrina speciosa)
olho-de-tigre, nativa de África do SulWild Yellow Iris, native from South Africa (Iridaceae: Dietes bicolor)
flor silvestre, 15mmWild flower, 15mm
Argiope sp.
libélula vermelhaRed dragonfly
plantas insetívorasInsectivorous plants
lesma com o pneumostoma em detalheslug with the pneumostome in detail (Sintra, Portugal)
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