Aves do Estado do Rio de JaneiroBirds from Rio de Janeiro State

gaturamo-bandeira ou bandeirinha, machos e fêmeaBlue-naped Chlorophonia, males and female (Fringillidae: Chlorophonia cyanea) TODASALL
FloritFoto FloritFoto FloritFoto FloritFoto

tiê-de-topete, machoBlack-goggled Tanager, male (Thraupidae: Lanio melanops) TODASALL

trepador-coleiraWhite-collared Foliage-gleaner (Furnariidae: Anabazenops fuscus) TODASALL
FloritFoto FloritFoto

joão-botina-da-mata: construindo um novo ninhoOrange-eyed Thornbird: building a new nest (Furnariidae: Phacellodomus erythrophthalmus) TODASALL

pé-vermelho, dois casaisBrazilian Teal, two couples (Anatidae: Amazonetta brasiliensis) TODASALL
FloritFoto FloritFoto

tiriba-de-testa-vermelhaMaroon-bellied Parakeet (Psittacidae: Pyrrhura frontalis) TODASALL

socó-boiRufescent Tiger-Heron (Ardeidae: Tigrisoma lineatum) TODASALL
FloritFoto FloritFoto

tiê-preto, fêmeaRuby-crowned Tanager, female (Thraupidae: Tachyphonus coronatus) TODASALL

gavião-de-rabo-brancoWhite-tailed Hawk (Accipitridae: Geranoaetus albicaudatus) TODASALL

arara-canindé (escape), desde a minha janela no Rio!Blue-and-yellow Macaw (scape), from my appartment's window at Rio! (Psittacidae: Ara ararauna) TODASALL

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