∼ Aves da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJBirds from Rio de Janeiro city, RJ ∼
corruíra, cambaxirra no ninho (!!)House Wren in the nest (!!) (Troglodytes musculus)
arapaçu-de-cerradoNarrow-billed Woodcreeper (Lepidocolaptes angustirostris)
arapaçu-verdeOlivaceous Woodcreeper (Sittasomus griseicapillus)
pica-pau-anão-barrado, macho...White-barred Piculet, male... (Picumnus cirratus)
...e fêmea...and female
ninho do beija-flor-de-fronte-violetaViolet-capped Woodnymph nest (Thalurania glaucopis)
suiriri pescandoTropical Kingbird fishing (Tyrannus melancholicus)
andorinha-serradora: banhoSouthern Rough-winged Swallow: bath (Stelgidopteryx ruficollis)
martim-pescador-grandeRinged Kingfisher (Ceryle torquatus)
bem-te-vi-rajadoStreaked Flycatcher (Myiodynastes maculatus)
vira-bosta, chopimShiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis)
coleirinhoDouble-collared Seedeater (Sporophila caerulescens)
lavadeira-mascaradaMasked Water-Tyrant (Fluvicola nengeta)
saíra-sete-coresGreen-headed Tanager (Tangara seledon)
tucano-de-bico-pretoChannel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos vitellinus)
bentevizinho-de-penacho-vermelhoSocial Flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis)
curióLesser Seed-Finch (Sporophila angolensis)
saracura-do-matoSlaty-breasted Wood-Rail (Aramides saracura)
casal de teque-tequeYellow-lored Tody-flycatcher couple (Todirostrum poliocephalum): 8.8cm!
tesourinhaFork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana)
sanhaçu-cinzentoSayaca Tanager (Thraupis sayaca)
Parque Nacional da Tijuca, RJTijuca National Park, RJ ∼
barranqueiro-de-olho-branco com pererecaWhite-eyed Foliage-gleaner with frog (Automolus leucophthalmus)
cuspidor-de-máscara-preta, macho...Black-cheeked Gnateater, male... (Conopophaga melanops)
...e a fêmea no ninho...and the female in the nest (Conopophaga melanops)
pintadinhoScaled Antbird (Drymophila squamata)
arapaçu-rajado com aranhaLesser Woodcreeper with a spider (Xiphorhynchus fuscus)
arapaçu-lisoPlain-winged Woodcreeper (Dendrocincla turdina)
tangará, imaturo e fêmeaBlue Manakin, immature and female (Chiroxiphia caudata)
limpa-folha-coroadoBlack-capped Foliage-gleaner (Philydor atricapillus)
Praia vermelha, RJVermelha Beach, RJ ∼
cigarra-bambuUniform Finch (Haplospiza unicolor Cabanis)
Primeiro registro desta espécie no Monumento Natural dos Morros da Urca e do Pão-de-Açúcar First registry of this species in the Natural Monument of Urca and the Sugar Loaf
juruviaraRed-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus)
choquinha-de-flanco-brancoWhite-flanked Antwren (Myrmotherula axillaris)
pingüim-de-magalhãesMagellanic Penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus)
tiê-sangue, fêmea e filhoteBrazilian Tanager, female and son (Ramphocelus bresilius)
cambacica, sebinhoBananaquit (Coereba flaveola)