Beija-flores do Parque Nacional de Itatiaia, RJHummingbirds of the Itatiaia National Park, RJ

beija-flor-rubi fêmea e macho...Brazilian Ruby, female and male... (Clytolaema rubricauda)
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...acariciado por Janaina......caressed by Janaina...
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...num a movie

topetinho-vermelho fêmea; ver o macho aqui
Um dos menores beija-flores brasileiros, somente encontrado no Brasil
Frilled Coquette, female; see the male here
One of the smallest Brazilian hummingbirds, only found in Brazil

Lophornis magnificus: 6.8 cm, 1.5-2.8 gr, 100km/h !!!

beija-flor-de-topetePlovercrest (Stephanoxis lalandi)
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beija-flor-de-banda-branca, fêmea e machosVersicolored Emerald, female and males (Amazilia versicolor)
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beija-flor-pretoBlack Jacobin (Florisuga fusca)

rabo-branco-de-garganta-rajadaScale-throated Hermit (Pbaetbornis eurynome)

beija-flor-de-fronte-violetaViolet-capped Woodnymph (Thalurania glaucopis)
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beija-flor-de-papo-brancoWhite-throated Hummingbird (Leucochloris albicollis)

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